Annual meeting 2024.11.21 InterAct Day about fairness and smoothing The second InterAct Day on 15 November 2024 had around 65 participants, who benefited from new research insights and networking opportunities.
SAC-24 2024.09.02 Successful international conference on actuarial risks The first Scandinavian Actuarial Conference was held in Copenhagen, from 15 to 16 August 2024, hosted by The Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Appointment 2024.02.28 Christian Furrer, associate professor Christian Furrer was 1 February 2024 appointed Associate Professor in Actuarial Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Annual meeting 2023.11.22 First InterAct Day The InterAct Day is organised annually throughout the lifetime of the project frame and aims to communicate the project frame's technical activities to the Industrial Partners and beyond.
Newly employed 2023.08.23 Tessa Steensgaard, PhD student Tessa Steensgaard was employed as a PhD student from August 2023 at the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.
Newly employed 2023.08.09 Philipp Carsten Hornung, PhD student Philipp Carsten Hornung started on 7 August 2923 as a PhD student in the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.
Education 2022.09.23 Continuing education in InterAct is underway The Industrial Partners of InterAct were recently visited by Mogens Steffensen and Christian Furrer from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, as well as Sanne Juul Nielsen, who is head of Continuing and Professional Education at the Faculty of SCIENCE.
Research 2022.09.19 PhD positions within InterAct have been posted With an application deadline of 15 November 2022, the first PhD students may begin their research next year.
InterAct 2022.01.24 Researchers will enlighten us about insurance and pensions With DKK 45 million (€6M) over the next 12 years, the University of Copenhagen has landed a historically large agreement for additional research and educational programming in the insurance and pension field that will benefit consumers.